ESCAPE4HEALTH is an Erasmus+ project that will create a set of escape rooms to complement the education of healthcare students and professionals. If this is the first time you are hearing about the project, we encourage you to check out our official website to find out more.
In December, our partners at The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki hosted our third transnational meeting, providing partners with the opportunity to share their progress with the team, as well as plan the next stages of the project. Here is a brief overview of the work underway for the four respective escape rooms.
A co-creation methodology has been followed, in which a number of stakeholders were invited, in several sessions, to co-design the narrative of the game, together with its educational objectives. Such stakeholders included academics, healthcare professionals, paramedical experts, health administrators and students in medicine and pedagogy. Together they discussed and discovered the knowledge area of the topic and defined the learning outcomes of the game. They also exchanged ideas on the opportunities and novelties of game-based learning in medical education and expressed their excitement for active involvement in the final implementation of this endeavour, which is expected to be piloted in the next few weeks.
From August to December 2021, Laurea’s escape room went from a collection of ideas to a working prototype. First, all the ideas were evaluated, and trimmed down to find the ones that aligned with the main goals and were feasible. Then the first prototype was built with the Seppo platform, which allowed a digital escape room to be made, with the possibility of playing it remotely. Play-testing has provided a lot of crucial information about where the game is succeeding, and where it needs to be iterated. The development will be continued in 2022.
Over the course of the previous 6 months, Region Hovedstaden has established a co-design group, recruiting relevant stakeholders from the Leadership and Organisation department within the Region. The group has held several meetings, culminating in the development of a prototype of escape room 3. The prototype has been discussed amongst the partners, with feedback offered to enhance its design further. The team are currently preparing to pilot the escape room, which will take place in February 2022, before the final design features are decided.
AUTH is also working hard on developing an innovative digital escape room for medical education embracing recent developments in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, whereby immersion will be combined with a game-based educational adventure for medical students and health professionals. Cluster events are currently being held with research projects dealing with the development of Virtual Reality educational episodes. Co-creation sessions with students and project partners AMEE, UPV, REGIONH and LAUREA will capture the final design of this innovative artifact!
Once the final design aspects are decided, the partners will install the escape rooms, in preparation for the evaluation phase. The four rooms will be evaluated with a variety of healthcare students, professionals and educators, measuring a range of impact factors. If you are interested in taking part in the evaluation process, look out for announcements on our social media pages: Twitter (@escape4health) and Facebook (escape4health).