
Here you can find all the downloadable material you need to deploy the escape rooms we developed. Each escape room contains an Operator Manual with all the instructions you need to follow to set up, run and evaluate it, as well as the list of materials you will need. Some escape room downloads also include other additional material needed for the puzzles.

Help pre- and post-graduates see how they are doing at their current stage and where they can contribute to the safe care of patients with high quality. The escape room is themed around an emergency in a cruise and uses puzzles and medical simulation equipment. 

Supports the reflection about different norms, values and beliefs that different multi-professional teams in healthcare hold in the interaction with patients, relatives and colleagues. This is a two-team collaborative escape room about an alien patient which can be played with either physical puzzles or with simple printed sheets.

Support the leaders at the mid-level to balance the conflicting requirements from levels above them and to communicate these to their workforce. Following the robbery of the little mermaid in Denmark, it uses a more traditional approach and materials for learning broader social skills.

Create learning opportunities around the possibility of remote collaboration and tele-medicine approaches for health workers involved in planning crisis situations. This is a digital adaptation of Escape Room 1 “Passenger in Cabin 2310” that uses Augmented Reality with participants’ smartphones for remote play.